Achieve Greater Joy & Success with Team Unity

Let's Create a Leadership Retreat to Re-Focus, Re-Energize, and Re-Engage Your Administration and/or Board

Start a New Season of School Growth with a Retreat

In about 24 hours you can elevate trust and collaboration among your team

  • Clarify Your Mission, Vision, and Values

    Discover a whole new level of performance through unusual clarity and cohesiveness

  • Focus Your Energy on High-Impact Goals

    Set specific, measurable targets to maximize your influence and progress

  • Chart a Path to Sustainable Excellence

    Utilize a process of feedback and accountability to ensure growth and joy

Matt Tiller

Head of School
Middle Tennessee Christian School

"Our retreat was great! I've received excellent feedback and am extremely encouraged by the discussions and plans."

Dana Darby

Altus Christian Academy

"Thank you for a fantastic retreat. It is so gratifying to have actionable steps to take! I look forward to continuing to work with the School Growth team.

Retreat Options

For more information or to check availability of dates, give us a call at 855-444-7698 or email us at [email protected]


  • Why invest in a Leadership Retreat?

    Nearly every effective leadership team spends at least a few days every year away from their regular responsibilities to reflect on past events and decisions, and then to plan for a better future. This is the best opportunity for you to explore strategic issues in depth for better results at your school.

    This isn't just another meeting, perhaps with some recreation added. We'll help you utilize a more authentic approach to synthesize insights drawn from internal and external data, and then determine a deliberate course of action that will empower your mission and vision.

    A successful retreat will align expectations and goals, focus on key measurements of performance, and strengthen the leadership's commitment to the work ahead. Spending a few days a year at a well-designed Leadership Retreat will energize your team and enable you to accelerate your journey to Sustainable Excellence.

  • How long is a leadership retreat?

    The retreat timeline can be adjusted to your needs and goals. It's most effective to plan for a two-day retreat that often begins the afternoon of the first day (e.g., 12:00 - 5:00), and then we complete the program the morning of the second day (e.g., 8:00-1:00).

    To minimize impact on the work week, your retreat can be planned to include one weekday and one weekend day.

  • What is the retreat agenda?

    The purpose of the retreat is to increase trust and engagement, so we customize the retreat experience to your specific situation.

    The core agenda includes: - Professional development on current leadership issues and challenges, - Organizational assessment to evaluate culture and readiness for growth, and - Development of key performance indicators and goals to achieve progress and success.

  • Who should attend the retreat?

    Most Leadership Retreats include all members of the executive leadership team, including the chief administrator and his/her direct reports. Some also include the board of the organization in order to elevate cohesiveness and collaboration.

  • What are the results or deliverables?

    1. Leadership Alignment that is critical to your growth goals.
    2. Creative problem solving that addresses unresolved issues that are likely limiting your team.
    3. A plan to achieve breakthrough momentum and energize your network.

  • What do we need to do to prepare?

    The location for the retreat is an important part of making this experience most effective. We will need a place that is conducive to group work with comfortable tables and chairs, and where interruptions can be minimized. We can prepare some pre-retreat materials to set the tone for the conversations. Most important, though, is a collaborative perspective and commitment from your team.

Start Your Growth Plan

Start a plan that beautifully builds on your strengths and unique genius

You know the value of strategic planning. but how do you create a plan that maximizes your the value and brand narrative of your school? How do you grow enrollment, academic quality, and long-term success?

We understand the unique challenges you face and can design your Leadership Retreat to be the first step in crafting a multi-year plan to achieve your goals. Discover the joy of a unified team that is working together to inspire your faculty and families.