Why are some Educators more effective than others?

We discovered the characteristics of the highest rated Teachers, Staff, Coaches, and other school employees

From years of research and planning with schools across North America, we collected personnel performance data to understand what makes the best educator--including every employee of PK-12 schools. In this course we share the key intelligences that are common to those who contribute at the highest level to the mission, culture, and goals. 

The resources in this course are designed to be used in self-study or as part of group professional development.

Watch Intro Video


Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Key Intelligences of Highly Effective Educators

    • Introduction

    • School Growth Key Intelligences of Highly Effective Educators

  • 2

    Chapter 1: Self Intelligence

    • Video: Self Intelligence

    • Workbook: Self Intelligence

    • Self Assessment: Self Intelligence

    • Survey: Self Intelligence

    • Quiz: Self Intelligence

  • 3

    Chapter 2: Relational Intelligence

    • Video: Relational Intelligence

    • Slides: Relational Intelligence

  • 4

    Chapter 3: Organizational Intelligence

    • Video: Organizational Intelligence

    • Workbook: Organizational Intelligence

    • Self Assessment: Organizational Intelligence

    • Survey: Organizational Intelligence

  • 5

    Chapter 4: Practical Intelligence

    • Video: Practical Intelligence

    • Slides: Practical Intelligence

  • 6

    Chapter 5: Emotional Intelligence

    • Video: Emotional Intelligence

    • Slides: Emotional Intelligence

  • 7

    Chapter 6: Professional Intelligence

    • Video: Professional Intelligence

    • Slides: Professional Intelligence

  • 8

    Chapter 7: Motivational Intelligence

    • Video: Motivational Intelligence

    • Slides: Motivational Intelligence

  • 9

    Chapter 8: Safety Intelligence

    • Video: Safety Intelligence

    • Slides: Safety Intelligence

  • 10

    Chapter 9:

    • Video: Wise Intelligence

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Member Testimonials

Exactly What I Needed

Katherine K., Head of School

"These videos are Perfect!!! Thank you so much. They are exactly what I needed for faculty meetings all year long."

Practical Examples and Guidance

John D., Head of School

"I love these videos! I especially liked the practical examples and guidance for our teachers and staff to use."